Low End Mac Editorial Archive
May 2003
- iBook 900 vs. PowerBook 867, NTouch keyboard, acrylic scratch remover, 'Book accessories, and more, Charles Moore, The 'Book Review, 05.30. Also slot-loading Combo drive firmware update, new DVD+R/RW drive, cases, and bargain 'Books from $239 to $2,499.
- Mac software: Different strokes for different folks, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 05.30. Microsoft Word vs. AppleWorks, Internet Explorer vs. Safari, AIM vs. iChat - it's mostly a matter of personal preference.
- 30 signs your school is abandoning the Mac, Jeff Adkins, Mac Lab Report, 05.29. They may not tell anyone it's happening, but here are some indicators that Macs might be on their way out in your school.
- PowerBooks and static, beige G3 questions, OS X and serial ports, used Mac values, and more, Dan Knight, Low End Mac Mailbag, 05.28. Also USB drives on Windows PCs, getting to the Power Mac 8500 motherboard, a blue and white G3 sleep anomaly, Yikes! as a Road Apple, and StarMax 3000 pricing.
- The point of no return?, Stephen Van Esch, Mac Scope, 05.28. Has the iTunes Music Store reached the point of no return - or will the record companies pull their support?
- iTunes sharing lets Mac users become low-end radio stations, Alan Zisman, Mac2Windows, 05.28. iTunes 4 lets Mac users share their music with other iTunes 4 users on a local network or over the Internet.
- Microsoft executive steps down after embarrassing gaffe, Jeff Adkins, The Lite Side, 05.27. Response to offhand remarks about feature appropriation, suing competition compel Ballmer to abdicate.
- Mac OS 9.1 vs. 9.2, PCI modem for Macs, rebuilding the desktop, and more on OS X and beige G3s, Charles Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 05.27. Best OS for Kanga or 9600, deals on USR PCI Mac modem, lots more tips and thoughts on OS X on beige G3s, and the benefits of rebuilding the desktop in the classic Mac OS.
- iBook 900 benchmarks, FireWire 800 and DVI graphics PC Cards, retractable cables, and more, Charles Moore, The 'Book Review, 05.23. Also iBook hinge lubricant, screen cleaning and protection, new sleeve cases, and bargain 'Books from $60 to $1,950.
- 12" PowerBook G4 an improvement over 15" Titanium in most respects, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 05.23. Replacing a 15" 400 MHz titanium PowerBook G4 with a 12" 867 MHz aluminum PowerBook G4 produces great satisfaction, few regrets.
- Preparing a beige G3 for SimCity 4, DVD screen shots in OS X, Road Apples, and more, Dan Knight, Low End Mac Mailbag, 05.22. Also Internet Sharing on OS X, x200s in school, flashing video cards, and more on OS X, SCSI, and beige G3s.
- Power Macintosh G4 (Yikes!), Road Apples, 05.21. Yikes! isn't a bad computer, just one with several unnecessary compromises.
- Writer boycotts own work, Jeff Adkins, The Lite Side, 05.20. After reading his own writings, Lite Side columnist is convinced it's just so much tripe.
- Is QuickBooks Pro 5 the new accounting leader?, Steve Watkins, The Practical Mac, 05.20. First update to QuickBooks in years supports OS 9 and X, but is it enough to win over Mac using businesses?
- More on the Print Center, HyperCard alternatives, value of the Core Crib, and still more, Dan Knight, Low End Mac Mailbag, 05.19. Also questions about flashing a PC Radeon, slave drives on the Rev. A beige G3, "obsolete" software, and DVD screen capture.
- Upgraded beige G3 problems, more on OS X on the beige G3, OS 9.2 on pre-G3 Macs, and more, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 05.19. Also PB hard drive replacement, a 'fragile' Power Mac, Redux, boot floppy for a SuperMac, USB with OS 8.1, and a PCI modem that works in Macs.
- SCSI and OS X on a beige G3, CoreCrib not a good value, tray-loading iMac upgrades, and more, Dan Knight, Low End Mac Mailbag, 05.16. Also more on the 68000 Dash 30fx clone and how to tell which ROMs your beige Power Mac G3 has.
- New OS X disk utility, CharisMac adds AAC support, PB G3 batteries, iBook SuperDrive, and more, Charles Moore, The 'Book Review, 05.16. Also FireWire/USB drive price reductions, three types of laptop cases, and bargain 'Books from $400 to $2,069.
- Don't confuse a pretty interface for an easy or efficient operating system, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 05.16. Are Apple and Microsoft sacrificing simple functionality as they attempt to create flashier operating systems?
- Upgrades for the slot-loading iMac, Dan Knight, iMac Channel, 05.15. Overview of memory, hard drive, media drive, and CPU upgrade options for slot-loading iMacs.
- Don't break up Apple - build it up, Dirk Pilat, Down But Not Out, 05.15. Breaking Apple into separate hardware and software companies is nuts. Instead, Apple should expand into other fields.
- Site subscriptions, low cost Home Page, Dash 30fx clone, Voodoo vs. ATI, and more, Dan Knight, Low End Mac Mailbag, 05.14. Also positive feedback on Apple service, HyperCard and OS X, and a letter from a future Mac owner.
- Where are the doomsayers?, Stephen Van Esch, Mac Scope, 05.14. If Apple is destined to fail, as so many "experts" have predicted, why do they all love the iTunes Music Store?
- Does building your own CoreCrib G4 make economic sense?, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 05.14. The CoreCrib starts with a Power Mac G4 motherboard, power supply, and case for US$379. But is it a bargain once you build it into a full system?
- Beige Power Mac G3, Best Mac Buys, 05.14. Although a great machine for the classic Mac OS, the beige G3 has some drawbacks when used with OS X.
- Safari and the Apple Internet experience, Steve Watkins, The Practical Mac, 05.13. It's free and fast, but the latest version makes Safari even more functional than the previous beta.
- Niners to Xers: Apple's Switch campaign for Mac users, Jeff Adkins, The Lite Side, 05.13. Apple to provide financial incentives to longtime Mac users, disincentives to those wed to ancient Mac OS.
- Blue & white Power Mac G3, Best Mac Buys, 05.13. Whether you want to run the classic Mac OS or OS X, the b&w G3 offers a lot of computer with plenty of upgrade options for the money.
- Is a 5400 worth buying or upgrading?, Evan Kleiman, Mac Daniel, 05.12. Does the Power Mac or Performa 5400 have enough power to justify its current price? Once I have one, how can I upgrade it?
- Quiet computing, unable to install OS 9.2 or X, Pismo sound problems, hard drive issues, and more, Charles Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 05.12. Also questions about PCI ADB cards, virtual private networks, StarMax modems, and Redux backup software.
- Beige Power Mac G3 (Rev. A), Road Apples, 05.12. Beige G3s were great machines, but the Rev. A ROMs are something you should be warned about before you buy one.
- DVD burner for Lombard and Pismo, keyboard protection, a dual drive FireWire enclosure, and more, Charles Moore, The 'Book Review, 05.09. Also new backpack and attaché style cases, iBook used by war correspondent, and bargain 'Books from $239 to $2,069.
- The dark side of software upgrades, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 05.09. New features are great - but what about those who have to use an older version of the program on another computer?
- Other things I'd pay 99¢ for, Jeff Adkins, Mac Lab Report, 05.08. I'd pay 99¢ for a shareware game, a month of ad-free site access, or to send 1000 emails if spammers had to do the same.
- Downloading Mac software on a PC, upgrading a Power Mac 7100, Performa 6200 upgrade, and more, Dan Knight, Low End Mac Mailbag, 05.07. Field reports, Retrospect vs. Unix backup, Aqua overhead, the plural of "virus," and the new eMacs.
- The 2002 vs. 2003 eMac value equation, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 05.07. The new eMacs offer more power for the dollar then ever before, but with reduced prices on the 2002 models, which offers the most value?
- Future advertising blunders by Microsoft, Jeff Adkins, The Lite Side, 05.06. After the "butterfly backfire" and "fake switcher," what will the folks in Redmond come up with next?
- Mail trouble a-brewin', Steve Watkins, The Practical Mac, 05.06. There's something wrong when the standard OS X email program can't reliably send attachments.
- Backing up, USB drivers for classic Mac OS, backup hardware, Macs and PC culture, and more, Dan Knight, Low End Mac Mailbag, 05.05. Overclocking the G3 All-in-One, hard drive advice, the impact of Aqua, and more on declining Power Mac sales.
- Mac OS 9 compatibility, upgrades, and resources, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 05.05. Which Macs can still boot into the classic Mac OS, where to buy OS 9, and how to obtain the available OS updates.
- Compact, affordable AC adapter, 800-900 MHz Pismo upgrades, new cases, and more, Charles W Moore, The 'Book Review, 05.02. Also a new sleeve for the 17" PowerBook, SpamBolt anti-spam software, and bargain 'Books from $239 to $2,119.
- Apple, music, and the iTunes Music Store, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 05.02. Is the iTunes Music Store a great idea at a great price or is it too limited to really pay off?
- Winning Mac users to OS X, why Power Mac sales are down, OS X printer peculiarities, and more, Dan Knight, Low End Mac Mailbag, 05.01. Also thoughts on recasing older Macs, choosing Jaguar and an iBook, adding CD-RW to an iMac, a source for a gigabit ethernet card, and a really cheap Windows PC.
- Picking the right multibutton mouse for your Mac, Korin Hasegawa-John, Mac Daniel, 05.01. If you find Apple's one-button mouse too limiting, here are some great alternatives with two or more buttons, scroll wheels, and more.
- Three domains, two buyouts, one frustrated customer, Jeff Adkins, Mac Lab Report, 05.01. From @home through attbi.com and now on to comcast.net, it's been a year of unwanted changes for a lot of cable Internet users.
- Have iBook, will relocate yet again, Dirk Pilat, Down But Not Out, 05.01. The iBook toting doctor leaves New Zealand behind for a temporary home in Germany.
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