Low End Mac Editorial Archive
December 2003
- Recording a concert with an iBook, Alan Zisman, Mac Daniel, 12.24. How to use an iBook, microphones, a mixer, and a collection of free and low-cost software to record a concert and publish it on the Web.
- Macworld Expo: Christmas for Macheads, Stephen Van Esch, Mac Scope, 12.24. For Mac lovers, Christmas really comes when Steve Jobs gives his keynote address at Macworld Expo.
- Terahertz Macs, massively parallel Macs, power iPods, and other Macworld rumors, Jeff Adkins, The Lite Side, 12.23. Leading rumor mongers unable to agree what Apple may or may not unveil at Macworld 2004 in January.
- Panther, Microsoft, and missing Virtual PC updates, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 12.19. Virtual PC 5 has problems under Mac OS X 10.3, but Microsoft's only solution is to upgrade to VPC6.
- Deleted iBook failure postings, PowerBook G5 in 2004, another WallStreet with Panther, and more, Charles Moore, The 'Book Review, 12.19. Shinza port cover and webcam, minimal 'Book cases, iPod armband carrier, a manual for Mozilla, bargain 'Books from $219 to $2,499, and more.
- The Lite Side Book, Jeff Adkins, The Lite Side, 12.17. The best of the Lite Side - or are they the worst of the Lite Side?
- Replacing or upgrading a Performa 5320 and connecting an SGI monitor to a Mac, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 12.17. Thoughts on upgrading or replacing a Performa 5320, and how to connect a fixed sync SGI display to a Mac.
- Panther on a WallStreet, working inside PowerBooks, USB mouse problems, and more, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 12.15. WallStreet advice, value of an upgraded PB 1400, mouse and CD-ROM problems in an iMac, G5 whining, and OS X utilities.
- Why file swapping and Jon Lech Johansen are wrong, Jeff Adkins, Mac Lab Report, 12.12. No matter how you look at it, stealing copyrighted material is simply wrong - legally and morally.
- The next generation iMac and Newton's missing successor, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 12.12. Apple is working to reduce cost of the iMac, but will they ever produce a tablet computer?
- 15" PowerBook white spot and iceBook problems, Panther on WallStreet, sharing AirPort, and more, Charles Moore, The 'Book Review, 12.12. NoteRiser laptop stand, ZeroShock sleeve, FireWire 800 PC Card, 15" AlBook disassembly, Xtremity iPod accessories, bargain 'Books from $49.99 to $2,499, and more.
- It's getting bigger: The online music bubble, Stephen Van Esch, Mac Scope, 12.10. Why do so many companies want to get into the no-profit online music business?
- Mac Evangelistas: Not dead yet, Jeff Adkins, The Lite Side, 12.10. Ten reasons Apple still needs Mac evangelists to fight the good fight.
- Panther, low end Macs, and separation, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 12.10. Mac OS X, two low-end 'Books, a new site update schedule, and other changes.
- Another WallStreet tale, free WordPerfect for Mac, dictation software, and more, Charles W. Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 12.08. Where to get Wacom tablets, a PowerBook petition, wireless networking, replacing a Performa, and more.
- Repairing an older Mac: Worth the price?, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 12.05. As your Mac ages, some repairs and upgrades just might not make sense.
- G4 battery in iBook 600, troubleshooting PowerBook G4 (FW 800), MCE Multi Drive, Jaguar vs. Linux, and more, Charles W Moore, The 'Book Review, 12.05. Performance results, updated IOXperts 802.11b driver, a limited edition black mouse, iPod battery replacement, bargain 'Books from $400 to $2,499, and more.
- Apple introduces KiloMac, world's largest computer, Jeff Adkins, The Lite Side, 12.02. Based on the flat panel iMac design, the new KiloMac has a 1000 inch display.
- Pfinder: A Panther-like Finder for legacy Macs, Charles W. Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 12.01. Utility for OS 9 and pre-Panther versions of OS X gives Mac users many features of the Panther Finder.
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