I was really looking for a 2006-7 Mac mini for an eGPU project when I had stumbled upon an eBay listing for a 2009 mini. Needed some RAM, an SSD, and I already had a power supply laying around along with a spare DVD drive. I opted to get an Optical bay SATA to 2.5″ […]
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The Early 2008 15″/17″ MacBook Pro sits in a unique position among the pre-unibody MacBook Pros having SSE 4 in its Core 2 Duo CPUs, standing heads and shoulders above the 2006/2007 models. As a result, it was able to piggyback off the same “wave” the Mac Pro 3,1 – 5,1 did with patchers such […]
It’s been a little over 6 years since the 2018 Mac mini was released on October 30th 2018, at the time of writing this article. Intel Macs are in their twilight era, as macOS Sequoia provides seemingly the last gasp of official OS support for the outgoing processor architecture. While “Macintels” miss out on certain […]
Hey Low End Mac friends! It’s been quite a while since I’ve written my last piece. Sometimes life and the real world gets in the way, but here we are again with a great piece that leads us up into the summer season when folks have a little more free time on their hands to […]
The following is an article about a story of what happened to a LEM group member’s peculiar Power Mac G5, as well as the experiences I had troubleshooting my own. I was browsing our Low End Mac FaceBook group a few nights ago, when someone posted about having issues with their Power Mac G5 potentially […]
2007 – Steve Jobs spoke to the world last Tuesday about his outlook on digital music and what, if any, continued role DRM would have in the marketplace of digital music. While carefully worded – indeed no talk of DRM as it relates to video was broached – the written statement linked from the Apple […]
2006 – I promised to bring the Zune into the fray, and I shall by putting forth the following question: Is it wise for Microsoft to further fracture the consumer media player market with yet another incompatible DRM scheme?
2006 – I want to take time today to congratulate the iPod for its impressive five year run, which seems primed to continue well into the rapidly approaching holiday shopping season. I further want to detail those little tidbits that make the iPod very much a part of my daily dose of tech joy.
2006 – This installment of our ongoing digital audio jukebox series will take a moment to deal with errata from past installments (things I mistakenly omitted or just flat out got wrong) and also follow a detour into my distaste for DRM-laden media.
While compiling what was to be my latest article for Low End Mac, a column detailing my media center project, I was simultaneously testing a program for review. I’m sure my adventures setting up a Mac media center are positively engrossing and will be sorely missed, but TopXNotes Classic has proven itself a helpful addition to […]
2006: Last week, I had the chance to view a fantastic short anime film that absolutely blew me away. To think, I almost passed on the opportunity because the hour was late and my eyes were droopy.
2005 – In my previous article, we looked at 68k Mac browser and email options. Now we’ll look at options for PowerPC (PPC) Macs running the classic Mac OS.
2005 – Much has been made in recent weeks about the dearth of acceptable Web solutions for legacy Macs. To some extent, I agree with the position taken suggesting older Macs are in fact limited by their software in an increasingly connected, global community.