iPhone 6S

Claiming that “the only thing that changed is everything”, Apple unveiled the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus on September 9, 2015. Well, not everything. The 2015 models look just like the 2014 iPhones at first glance, although there is a new rose gold color.

iPad Pro

Considering how poorly Microsoft has been doing with its Surface, it’s quite remarkable to see Apple jumping into the same product category with the 12.9″ iPad Pro, which arrived in November.

iPad mini 4

The iPad mini 4 is faster, thinner, taller, and lighter than the iPad mini 3, boasting a 30% faster CPU and 60% faster graphics, which it replaces. That’s due in part to the 1.5 GHz A8 processor and in part to having 2 MB of system memory.

Apple’s Performa Line, 1992 to 1997

In 1992, Apple decided that the education and design markets weren’t enough – it wanted to target mass market consumers. Rather than develop new computers for this market, Apple created a new brand and renamed three existing Macs as Performas.

Favorite Features Coming in iOS 9

Did you miss out on the WWDC Event? If so, continue reading to learn all the new features Apple are bringing into their latest version of their mobile operating system (iOS).

The Mac User’s Guide to Using a PC Keyboard

Face it, there aren’t a lot of Mac keyboard options out there. Apple and a few other companies make USB and Bluetooth keyboards with the Mac layout. That’s it, and they tend to cost a lot more than PC keyboards – even good PC keyboards.

Even in a 2007 Mac mini, an SSD Is Fast

We came home from vacation three weeks ago, and my Mid 2007 Mac mini began giving me problems almost from the moment I powered it up. The 320 GB 7200 rpm internal hard drive was having issues, and after looking at prices, I decided that SSD could be the way to go.

The iPhone 6S Will Surprise You

Eight years ago, the iPhone had a 412 MHz single-core processor, a touch screen but no keyboard, no third-party apps, and it was probably the last new smartphone model to ship without 3G networking. Yet it sold like hotcakes even with no discounts available.

Time Machine: Not Quite What I Expected

Since returning from vacation earlier this month, my 2007 Mac mini began to have problems and then died. More precisely, it would no longer boot from the OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard partition on its internal 320 GB Seagate hard drive, which I’ve used for years. It would display a blue screen and continually try […]

Run Windows on Your Mac – Without Boot Camp

I was playing my favorite game the other day,  Star Trek Armada II Fleet Operations. It is, in the words of the developers, “a popular skirmish and multiplayer orientated total conversion modification for Activision’s real-time strategy game, Star Trek: Armada II.” It is a Windows game, and for that I was booted into Windows 7 via […]

6th Generation iPod touch

The 6G iPod touch is the first 64-bit iPod touch, following the iPhone 5S, 6, and 6 Plus in leaving behind 32-bit operation. It is also the first iPod touch with a 128 GB configuration, which is only available directly from Apple.

What’s Up with Flash on Firefox?

The big news this morning was that Firefox was suddenly blocking all Flash content by default. Flash is frequently used for streaming video, ads, and interactive media on the Web, where it is heavily used for video games on Android devices. (Flash is not supported on Apple’s iOS.)

The NuTek Archives: BYTE Magazine

Because the NuTek clones predate the widespread use of the Internet, and because BYTE magazine is history, we’ve scrounged up the few BYTE articles we could find online about NuTek and share them here in chronological order.

The NuTek Archive: Articles from Macworld

Because the NuTek clones predate the widespread use of the Internet, and because the Macworld archives are spotty from this era, we’ve scrounged up what Macorld articles we could find online about NuTek – just one so far – and share them here in chronological order.