Anticipating the 2013 iPhone Lineup

Every year, Apple has an update to the iPhone, and 2013 will be no exception. We can expect an improved version of the iPhone 5, which will almost undoubtedly be called the iPhone 5S, and we can expect the current iPhone 5 to replace the iPhone 4S at the $99 (with contract) price point.

Microsoft Office: To Buy or to Rent, That Is the Question

There was a time when, at least according to rumour, Microsoft made more money – on average – from each Mac user than from each Windows user. That was because most Mac users got copies of Microsoft Office paying the full retail cost, while most Windows users had copies of Windows and Microsoft Office pre-installed […]

Easily Find Apps for Older iPhone OS Versions

There are still some apps on the App Store that only require OS 3 without resorting to custom firmware and custom app stores, like the one provided in whited00r, but will work in both standard Apple firmware and whited00r – but how do you find them? Up until now, it used to be pure luck: […]

ScuzzyGraph and ScuzzyGraph II

Online information about ScuzzyGraph is minimal. We do know that it allows old black-and-white Macs with SCSI ports to work with an external display. It supports a 3-bit, 8-color palette (some sources say 4-bit/16-color with some Macs), which is a far cry from the 8-bit/256-color output introduced with the Mac II’s first color video card […]

So You Wanna Build a Macquarium

Who needs a screen saver when you can have real fish in your old Mac? Perhaps nothing else he’s done has brought Andy Ihnatko quite the same fame and notoriety as inventing the Macquarium – a compact Mac gutted and turned into a fishbowl. Following are links to online resources for those interested in converting […]

World Book Encyclopedia 2012 DVD

In schools, libraries and homes across America, World Book Encyclopedia has always been considered the go-to reference for general knowledge in a clear, easy-to-understand format. World Book Encyclopedia has been in print since 1917, and within the last couple of decades it has expanded to digital formats such as CDs, DVDs, and the internet. The […]

Avoid Password Insanity with LastPass

If you’re anything like me, you’ve had lots of different email addresses over the years – and lots of different websites you log into. The Mac’s password manager does a good job if you have a single Mac, but things gets messy when you use multiple Macs (or multiple versions of OS X on the […]

Low End Mac’s Brand and Spelling Guide

A style guide is where you turn when you’re not sure how to spell, capitalize, or punctuate a word or name. This is presented as a public service to Mac webmasters, who should feel free to contribute additions and suggest changes.

Vintage Computer Festival SouthEast, April 20-21, 2013

Here at Low End Mac, we appreciate older computing equipment more than most – and that extends to more than just Apple gear. As someone with an active interest it retro technology, I was asked to promote the first ever Vintage Computer Festival SouthEast being held on April 20th and 21st, 2013.

A Mac User Tries Out Windows 8

There has been a lot of buzz around Windows 8. About a year ago I was given a half-built PC tower, which I finished off building and gave to my kids. I decided to take advantage of cheap Windows 8 upgrade offer from Microsoft – but is it an upgrade?

Writing in WordPress

WordPress is a widely-used content management system (CMS) used by many blogs and websites, and it’s the CMS we’ve implemented at Low End Mac. After nearly 16 years of writing, editing, creating HTML pages, and uploading them from my Macs, everything is much more automated with WordPress.

Welcome to WordPress

After nearly 16 years of writing and editing site pages on my Macs, uploading HTML files to a server, and doing most site updates manually, Low End Mac is moving to WordPress. WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that is often used for blogging, but I want to make it clear that we are […]

Maximizing a 2006 Mac Pro

Now that Apple has kicked the first version of the Mac Pro out of the family, I think it’s safe to say that it’s now part of our family – a low-end Mac – yet one with extraordinary power waiting to be uncorked.

Google Maps Tips, the Forgotten eMate, Office for iOS Irrelevant, and More iOS News

News, Reviews, & Opinion 10 Tips on Using Google Maps on Your iPhone Stop Multitasking and Put Your Phone in the Trunk Apple’s Forgotten eMate 300 25% of American Adults Own Tablet Computers iPad mini Wins Because It’s Expensive iPhone Tops Americans’ 2013 Consumer Technology Wish List ‘Steve Jobs Wasn’t Malicious, He Was Just Trying […]