I really dislike throwing out any tech kit. If it can be saved, I will do my best to revive it and reuse it. Recently I saved an original iPhone from certain doom.
Author Archives: Simon Royal
Could the iPhone 3G be the ultimate basic iPhone for those who aren’t interested in keeping up with the latest versions?
White, blue, green, pink, or yellow? I take a look at Apple’s colourful addition to the iPhone range.
With Windows XP support officially ended, switching to Linux could be a way of saving low-end hardware. I compare two identical machines, one running XP, the other running LXLE. Let the fun begin.
I put my MacBook out of the way and installed LXLE on a 10” netbook. Find out what I think after an entire day of use.
This years WWDC should see an announcement regarding the next version of Mac OS X, but will you be able to run it?
Apple are not the only ones updating their mobile OS with a massive ‘point one’ update; the whited00r team have just released 7.1 – and I check it out.
Moving to a new OS can be a steep learning curve, and you may have to leave behind your beloved Windows apps. What if you could run Windows apps without using Windows? Step up ReactOS.
Linux is an awesome operating system, but perhaps a little too different for Windows users. But what if there was a distro that looked like Windows? Step up Q4OS.
Windows 9 might go some way to fix the mess that Windows 8 is, but could Windows 10 – or whatever they decide to call it – bring a whole new era for Microsoft, or just more of the same?
In this modern age of multicore processors and gigabytes of RAM, I began wondering how low-end of a computer I could get away with using in 2014.
In early 2013, I reviewed the Mophie Juice Pack Plus for the iPhone 4 and 4s. I take another look at it and this time see how it performs under iOS 7.
Looking ahead at what 2014 and 2015 could bring for iPhone and iOS users, here are my thoughts.
Microsoft is to end extended support for Windows XP in April 2014, but with so many people still hanging on to the decade old OS, what are their options?
I’m not a fan of Windows, and after a lot of headaches with the computer my children use over the past few months, I decided to switch them to Ubuntu and see how they get on. Good-bye, Microsoft?
As Mac popularity grows so does the interest in developing threats for the platform, and while it is far more secure than Windows, it’s not 100% safe. Do we need to think about Mac anti-virus?
When Apple released the iPhone 5, it came with a new design of earphones called EarPods. I recently bought a pair – but are they worth their money?
Sending files back and forth via Bluetooth has been common for over 10 years, but it has always been missing from the iPhone despite supporting Bluetooth for audio headsets. AirBlue offers a superb solution.
In 2008 I wrote a short article for Low End Mac; little did I know it would spark a regular column, over 100 more articles, and strengthen my love of all things Apple. In 2014 I am still hooked on Macs and reminisce about my first Mac.
In iOS 7 Apple decided to remove one of the most handy features of iOS 5 and 6, the Tap to option for quick posting to Twitter/Facebook. But a jailbreak tweak brings it back.
Apple released iOS 7 in September 2013, the boldest new version of iOS since its initial introduction in 2007, featuring a whole new look for the first time. But where Apple leaves behind, the whited00r team picks up.
TenFourFox is an amazing browser and is responsible for keeping the PowerPC platform alive. But whether on a G3 , G4, or even a slower G5 processors, it needs a bit of tweaking to optimise performance.
Are you new to jailbreaking? Should you crack open Apple’s wonderful iDevice operating system or leave it as Apple intended?
iOS 7 jailbreaking is finally here, courtesy of the evad3rs team.
A few weeks back, I experimented with turning off mobile data and relying on WiFi only on my iPhone. Today I repeated it; this time I was a little more prepared.
Does your Mac have a built-in iSight camera? Could it be turned on without you knowing so someone could be watching you?
No matter how much of an Apple nerd you are, you can’t remember every detail about every Apple product – not even me. MacTracker to the rescue.
Mobile phones are a big part of most people’s lives, but have you considered what this jack-of-all-trades product has crushed in its rise?
WiFi might be great for laptops and smartphones, but in terms of speed and reliability it is still far behind ethernet. This is why I have installed ethernet cabling throughout my house.
I love my iPhone 4, but how does it stack up against similar spec’d Android handsets. Sleek looks are very nice, but it’s performance that counts when in the real world.